Two of the churches I served hosted 12-Step groups: AA, NA, and OA.
Sometimes, I would run into stranger in the community who would say, “Oh, I go to your church!”
When I looked puzzled, he would say, “I go on Wednesday nights.” The guy might have been wearing a suit and tie, but the lines on his face told me that he had walked some hard roads. And the tone of his voice told me that “going to my church” had saved his life.
I sometimes wondered if anyone who came to church on Sunday mornings would feel that “going to my church” had saved their life? It recalled something I had heard more than once at their meetings:
“Religion is for people who are afraid of hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.”
I sometimes came to work the on Thursday morning after one of their meetings and, although they were good at cleaning up, they sometimes left up a sign or two. These had slogans that sound like cliches, until you need them to save your life.
- Let go and let God.
- Nothing changes if nothing changes.
- One day at a time.
- Easy does it.
Sometimes they left a sign hanging on the inside of the front door. It would be the last thing the members saw when they left the meeting.
“Keep coming back.”
The older I get, the more I think that this is THE fundamental spiritual practice: keep coming back.
Like in meditation, for example.
Many people say they can’t meditate. “My mind wanders.”
I meditate almost every day. My mind wanders. I need something for my mind to come back to when it wanders: counting my breaths or a mental image of a candle flame, for example.
The Bible I read suggests many objects to focus on in meditation: new born babies and the stars above (Psalm 8), or anything good, beautiful, and true (Phil. 4:8), to name just a few.
Whatever you choose will be something you can come back to when your mind wanders.
“Wander” is not quite the right word. When my mind “wanders” it gets trapped in addictive thoughts: my worries, my fears, my resentments, my to-do list.
I think I am meditating when I am watching my breath or focusing on a Bible verse. But, I’m not meditating when my mind is captured by one of my addictive thoughts. The first is a “spiritual practice.” The second means I’m not “spiritual” enough.
In fact, the real spiritual practice is when I recognize that my mind has wandered into addiction and I bring myself back to my focus. “Coming back” is the center of the practice.
Coming back is the fundamental practice of a life worth living.
It is no accident that the first word Jesus says in the gospels is “T’shuvah.” It is usually translated as “repent,” a word that is covered with almost as many barnacles as the word “God.” At heart, T’shuvah means “turn around.”
He illustrates the meaning of this word with one of his most famous stories:
A young man can’t wait for his father to die. So he demands his share of the inheritance and gets as far away from home as he can. He spends all his money. He winds up living in a pigpen. It is there that he, first of all, “comes to himself.” Second, he decides to return to his father’s house.
Just as my mind wanders when I am meditating, so my life wanders away from its true center.
This “true center” is where we can be our truest selves: Home.
We may run as far away from home as we can — and stay there for years. Some of us have never felt at home, anywhere. But, sooner or later, most of us will feel so uncomfortable in the place we are in or the skin we are in, that we will long to find that place that feels like Home. We may remember it — or not. But we will know it when we arrive.
In his story, Jesus doesn’t tell us how the Prodigal got home. I think the road is different for everyone. Finding that road is where Jesus’ advice to “ask, seek, and knock” comes in. You can try this door or that road. Keep looking until you find it.
You could do worse than just turn around. After all, if the road you are on carried you away from Home, why wouldn’t turning around take you back?
Or, you could ask for directions. AA began when one drunk asked another if he knew how to get sober.
Maybe the best road Home is to treat someone else the way you need and want to be treated. (Note that the “Ask, Seek, Knock” passage ends with the Golden Rule.)
You may not be as far away from Home as you think. That is what a lot of people find when they pray or meditate. When we quit running away into our addictive thoughts and actions and just watch the miracle of our next breath, or call out the name of Someone we believe will save us, we often find that our True Self was right there waiting for us all along.
Wandering — even getting lost — is a big part of life. Everybody does it again and again.
Just remember the sign on the door:
Keep Coming Back.