A Way To Look at the Time We are In

Here is the way I see It.

Nobody cooked up this pandemic.
This stuff happens from time-to-time in human history.

This is not a punishment from God, but it is one of the “tests” or “temptations” that the Lord’s Prayer asks that we not be led into.
It will test us.
Each of us and
All of us
To determine what kind of people we are.
What is unique about this particular pandemic is that:

  • The health of the richest person depends on the heath of the poorest person.
  • The health of Americans depends on the health of people in China, India, Africa, and South America.
  • The health of Christians depends on the health of Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, and atheists.

We created a global economy to get rich. Now the world we created has to learn the fundamental lessons of life:

People are more important than money. If I have to explain that, skip to the last two paragraphs.

Personal Security and National Security will be found in More Community instead of More Guns.
Just as each of us need to check in with our neighbors, so we need tests developed in China to track the spread of the disease in America. The vaccine, when it comes, will need to be available to the poorest countries as well as the richest.

Our lives depend on facing facts and telling each other the truth.
If we are not honest with ourselves and others about the state of our health, we will go too long without treatment and infect people around us. If the powerful do not tell the truth, they will lose their workers, their customers, and their voters. The systems that put them at the top will implode. Also, they could get sick and die like the rest of us.

Making every decision with the good of others in mind is the only way to save ourselves.
This is truly a time when those who try to save their lives will lose them. Those who lose their lives for the sake of other people’s well-being will find them.
There is no other way but the Way of Jesus to save our world.

This is part of what John 3:16 means when it says, “For God so loved the World that God gave God’s only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.”

It has a lot less to do with “believing in Jesus as my personal savior” than it has to do with believing that living like Jesus leads to a life worth living.

Eternal life is a life worth living forever.

If we live forever the way we are now, thinking only of ourselves, worrying only about our bank accounts, resenting any sacrifice we have to make for someone else, blaming the Chinese, the Democrats, or Donald Trump, that will be hell.

But, If we believe in the Way of Life, we will care not only our well-being but for the well-being of others with every decision we make. Then, we will begin to form lives that really will be worth living forever

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