If you will listen, you will hear the great religious traditions of the world saying the same thing.
- The Buddha says that the source of suffering is attachment.
- Hinduism ditto.
- The Judeo-Christian religion puts it even more succinctly:
“I shall not want.”
These words begin the 23rd Psalm, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”
Advertisers bombard us with messages all day long telling us what we want. Almost all of it is for stuff we don’t need.
Open your email and you will see advertising messages on the side of your feed.
Same thing on social media.
Drive two miles in any urban area and count the signs telling you what you want.
Watch TV or go to the movies. Watch the hero pick up a beer with the label carefully turned toward the camera.
You cannot unsee these messages, but you can immunize yourself with a counter-message.
Make, “I shall not want”, your affirmation.
Repeat it through the day.
Your soul will be lighter.
Your heart will be freer.
Your decisions will be wiser.
Your life will be simpler.
Stop wanting and you will see that you already have it all.