Even in the flat gray of the picture tube, she can make out the blue veins in her outer thighs, which somehow don’t seem possible, not yet. Not yet. She’s only forty-two, which, okay, when she was twelve seemed like one foot over the threshold into God’s waiting room, but now, living it, is an age that makes her feel no different than she always has. She’s twelve, she’s twenty-one, she’s thirty-three, she’s all the ages at the same time. But she isn’t aging. Not in her heart. Not in her mind’s eye.
Lehane, Dennis. Small Mercies (pp. 1-2). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition. 2023
As I come up on my 75th birthday, I can identify with Mary Pat, the main character in Dennis Lahane’s new novel, even though varicose veins are one of the few signs of aging that I don’t have. But, that other thing — the feeling that the person I was at all those different ages is still there someplace inside of me — I get that. And, I’ve been thinking about those moments a lot recently.
When you get to be my age, you realize that nothing is permanent. I have a vivid memory of standing at the foot of one of the world’s tallest buildings and thinking about the effort it took to build something that massive. I wondered what could possibly bring down something that big? It was the night before our son, Jim, and his wife, Rachel, would be married in the chapel of Hebrew Union College, a few blocks away. The building was the World Trade Center and almost everyone in my family was staying at the Marriott in the lower floors that night, August 11,2001.
Nothing lasts forever. It’s not just big buildings that come down, but giant corporations (Pontiac, A & P), venerable institutions (your church may be one of them), and social norms (a marijuana store just opened five blocks from where I’m sitting.)
Most of the time, the changes are so gradual that we hardly notice. But then, it hits us. On their 50th anniversary I looked through my parents’ wedding guest register. I had known most of the people who signed, and I realized, with a start, that the majority of them: my grandparents, their brothers and sisters, and close friends, were all gone — as were several members of Mom’s and Dad’s generation. That was twenty-six years ago. Now my parents’ generation is all gone, too.
It feels like my life and the lives of everyone I know and love are like leaves in the Niagara River. We float along together for awhile and pick up speed as we get closer to the falls. That truth can be terrifying.
But, there is another way to look at life. Instead of a river, the times of our lives can look like a layer cake, or like an archaeological site:

Like Mary Pat, I have caught my reflection and seen, not just my balding head, but myself as a 55-year-old senior pastor, a young husband and father, a teen-ager whose pants’ inseams were longer than my waist size, even the pre-schooler blowing dandelions on a summer’s day.
In some meaningful way, the person I was, and the people I knew, and even the things I did all seem to be preserved in those layers of time.
And maybe they are. I was recently introduced to the Buddha’s Five Remembrances:
- I am subject to aging. There is no way to avoid aging.
- I am subject to ill health. There is no way to avoid illness.
- I am going to die. There is no way to avoid death.
- Everyone and everything that I love will change, and I will be separated from them.
- My only true possessions are my actions, and I cannot escape their consequences.
Yes, four of those remembrances are about change. I can’t hang on to my youth, my health, my life, or my loved ones, but my past experiences and actions are different. They continue to be a part of my life.
I miss our son, Matt, who died last summer. I can’t call him on the phone. He won’t be around to celebrate my 75th birthday. But, in the layers of my life, he is still the tiny infant we brought home from the hospital, the toddler learning to walk, the teenager whose comments made his younger brother laugh, the young man introducing us to the woman he married, the father with two delightful teens of his own.
These memories don’t tempt me to live in the past. They remind me that the past lives in me.
As I look back, my life looks like a layer cake. The more layers, the richer my life is. Every decade, year, day, hour, moment, is a layer. I am learning late that what I decide to do with this day and hour makes a permanent difference.
As one of the wisest survivors of the Holocaust said:
Any hour whose demands we do not fulfill, or fulfill halfheartedly, this hour is forfeited, forfeited “for all eternity.” Conversely, what we achieve by seizing the moment is, once and for all, rescued into reality, into a reality in which it is only apparently “canceled out” by becoming the past. In truth, it has actually been preserved, in the sense of being kept safe. Having been is in this sense perhaps even the safest form of being. The “being,” the reality that we have rescued into the past in this way, can no longer be harmed by transitoriness.
Victor Frankl, Yes to Life: In Spite of Everything
Thank you for another thought provoking post.
Thanks, Barbara
I love this analogy as much as I love cake. Thanks for the reminder to make the most of our time! The time I spend procrastinating my creative projects is 1000 times longer than the time it takes to just go make something, creating something using my God given talents.
Thanks, Cathy.
I’ve said this many times over the years and meant it every time.
This is the best thing you’ve ever written. 🙂
Thanks, Perry!
At almost 79, caring for a spouse with moderate dementia, I look upon each of these days as a gift to be opened and used wisely. Both of us are retired clergy, having swapped all that was familiar for being closer to our daughter and her spouse; now his Mom has moved to our senior community as well.
It is interesting to me to hear what others say about needing to live closer to family. Their adjustment (and satisfaction) seems based on who made this decision; themselves or their family members. On who chose what was kept or disposed of/ downsized. It also seems based on their choice to get involved in this new adventure or to continue to sulk about what they had to leave behind.
I choose to see my life as a tree, with deep roots, nurtured by years of mentors, a trunk that keeps adding new rings of experience and branches reaching ever out and ever up to the rain and the sun: weather that comes daily to sustain us all. Some day this tree will topple over, hopefully being celebrated by the forest, to become food for the next forest of trees.
This is beautifully wise.
Thank you
Thank you. As people who also downsized to live near our son, I agree with your analysis.
Believe it or not, Roger, I have been feeling old of late, as my body seems to be betraying me (no more 9 minute miles or 1/2 marathons). I feel cheated out of years with my mom after her sudden death when she was 83 and I was 55. And my partner turned 70 this year, and she can no longer take me for rides on her Harley Electraglide that we loved so much even 2 years ago. This essay of yours reminds me (as does my work with Positive Intelligence) that all of those experiences are still there, and I can access them and enjoy them, even as I choose to live with joy in all that is today – a beautiful morning by the water with the one I love, children who live nearby and who still enjoy time with me, and the opportunity to continue to grow as a person, a pastor, a mom and a partner. Thank you so much (especially from this former geologist!). Your writing continues to educate me, inform me and inspire me.
Thank you, Dianne. It feels good to hear that something I write about aging makes sense to a kid like you. (+:
Poignant and useful. Love you brother.
Thanks Sandy
Hey Roger,
I looked for an email address somewhere, but couldn’t find one. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your story about long covid on Plant Yourself Podcast. I did a lot of fasting my first year of long covid, and I think fasting may have been the only thing that’s helped so far. Now, in my second year, I appear to be in the middle of a major setback due to overdoing exercise. It seems similar to what you experienced with drinking whiskey. After hearing your story, I’m now considering a 7 to 10 day fast to hopefully get back to where I was. I’ll likely do the fast coached remotely with Nathan Gershfeld.
Glad you found a way to connect, Jason. And, I appreciate the feedback. I didn’t know about Gershon, but my wife is very familiar with his work. Your plan sounds doable. I experienced a cumulative effect from my two fasts 15 months apart. Hope this will take care of your symptoms. As I mentioned in the podcast, do a 24 hour fast about once each week. I believe that helps — to say nothing of helping me keep my weight down! Good luck!